Energy course

Energy course's objectives

There is a demand in today's society for experts that understand multi-dimensional energy theory gained by taking coursework and can apply it. Experts with deep knowledge and understanding of energy are in demand world-wide. In the graduate Energy Science and Engineering degree program abbreviated "Energy Course", students are cultivated to innovate and contribute to society utilizing knowledge gained from studying physics, chemistry, materials science, mechanical/electrical engineering and the liberal arts. Such individuals develop comprehensive skills to handle ever-changing energy problems starting from a multi-dimensional energy theory perspective by employing unique problem-solving, communication and international leadership skills.

Master's Program

Coursework Description
Energy theory It consists of courses on energy related basic theories on devices, materials, systems, and economics.
Major courses Course are taught to acquire expertise based on disciplines of applied chemistry, chemistry, engineering, electricity, and materials by faculty from these respective disciplines.
Research seminars Seminars held in the advisor's lab, where the student makes presentations on research progress and receives advice.

Doctoral Program

Coursework Description
Liberal arts Liberal arts courses are taken to gain social science knowledge in order to promote research in the field of energy from a broad perspective.
Career courses Courses for development of leadership and communication skills in the energy science field
Major courses It is a special lecture to get a more practical and applied view based on the energy theory studied during the master's course. In addition, courses offered to improve presentation skills.
Research seminars Doctoral seminars held in the advisor's lab, to discuss research progress and receive advice.